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The Laboratory


The Renal Physiology Lab website was created to promote the Renal Physiology Laboratory in the Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP/USP). 

Our group studies the physiological and pathophysiological aspects of the renal system under various animal models (mostly rats). 


Professor Terezila Machado Coimbra founded the laboratory and has gathered different techniques from around the world to maximize research excellence and efficiency.

“S.O.S: O Cérebro na Praça e o Dia Mundial do Rim”: Obra magnífica do esforço voluntário e solidário no contexto: Ciência, Arte, Educação e Sociedade”.

  • Lab Meeting 05/04/2018  ​

  • Panelist: Heloisa Francescato

  • Healthcare Utilization after Acute Kidney Injury in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

  •                                                                     Erin Hessey  et al,  CJANS,  2018


Calcitriol reduces kidney development disorders in rats provoked by losartan administration during lactation















                                       Almeida LF et. al, 2017

Previous Exercise Effects in Cisplatin-Induced Renal Lesions in Rats













Francescato H.D.C et al. 2018

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